The position of IndraDrives with peripheral version up to V1.1 will only be correct after activating the axis several times or starting a movement.
This behaviour is caused by an unproper behaviour of IndraDrives and occurs with the IndraDrive peripheral <=V1.1
In the peripheral NexeedEcRxIndraDrive V1.2 (+ NexeedEcRxIndraDriveMPx V1.2) we have introduced a workaround and it should not occur anymore.
If you update from V1.1 to V1.2: The IO interface has changed, that means you have to import the XML according to the peripheral documentation: Std\Peripherals\NexeedEcRxIndraDriveMPx\V1.2\ConfigFiles\MPx_OpconDriveBase_V1.2.xml
Afterwards you have to do the peripheral IO linking in OES/CpStudio.
Beside this optimization: NexeedSingleAxis (AtmoSingleAxis) and NexeedEcRxIndraDrive V1 (AtmoEcRxIndraDrive V1) have the state "obsolete" which means they are out of support. We recommend to use the successor object NexeedAxis and peripheral NexeedEcRxId (+ NexeedRcRxMPx_native).
NexeedAxis includes more features (i.e. more parameters), e.g. it includes teach position handling as an option. When updating to NexeedAxis keep in mind that Unit.Activate has no effect anymore, but use Unit.ParImm.Activate instead.
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