The BasMove object is a really powerful object. "BasMove" is the abbreviation for basic movement. It can be used for any use case with digital in-/outputs, for example belt motor, fan motor, hydraulic power pack, electrical cylinders and of course pneumatic cylinders.
The parameters for the object are maybe as complicated as powerful the object is. Therefore a short guide for the parameters for the default case of a pneumatic cylinder:
Set the parameter ValvePreset if you have a pneumatic cylinder without special requirements. This parameter hides all parameters that need not to be parametrized for the selected valve (e.g. 5/3 directional valve).
Set the parameter OutputResetOnCancel to choose the behaviour in case of a cancel (operation mode change, emergency stop, control off, opening/closing doors). If the cylinder can stop its movement YES_IF_NOT_IN_POS is recommended. If it is a gripper or can't stop its movement (for example 5/2 directional valve) the value NO is recommended.
If the supply power (= compressed air for pneumatic cylinders) is switched off in some cases you should set the parameter SupplyState. By setting this parameter the outputs will be reset if the SupplyState input has a falling edge and the outputs will be initialized according to the inputs (InBasePos, InWorkPos) everytime the SupplyState input has a rising edge.
In the PLC code use the object output OutImm.IsInBasPos / IsInWrkPos for calculating the home position etc. This output is only TRUE if both the output and the input are TRUE.
In the chains always set the command parameters PreStartCheck and OutputPulsing. or
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