11-16-2023 10:11 AM
I saw the DDL receive buffer max. size is 1000 bytes(see attachment), but my OpconData length is longer than 1000 byte, I tried to set the buffer to 5000KB, but not available, still keep 1000 bytes in the TwinCAT, How to change the buffer size? need your help, thank you.
11-16-2023 12:31 PM
TwinCat can only show 1000 variables online in array.
Size from the buffer you change in OES/CPS for everry Message and one time for DDL connection
11-18-2023 01:30 AM
the problem is from station data manager addon, in the configuration page, I set the target service to Opcon.Xml(see attachment), there is no about buffer change option and I saw the buffer variable in the TwinCAT is a var variable ' _ddlMessageRecvBuffer : ARRAY [1..5120] OF BYTE;'. Can it be modified from CPS? thank you
11-20-2023 08:09 AM
we added this parameter in Version for Control plus V1 and for Control plus V2.
Please check your object version and update it if you do not have the latest one.