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    Balluff BIS V-6110 RFID with smaller I/O Modules

    Balluff BIS V-6110 RFID with smaller I/O Modules

    Occasional Visitor


    im using the Balluff BIS V-6110 ( Peripheral to read out RFID Heads in my machine. My problem is that i have a "r/w head with 4 bytes I/O" connected to the Balluff. But according to the documentation the smallest size is 10 bytes I/O. So everytime I try to read or write anything with the DataTagAccess ( Object I get the error, that im writing outside of the size of the Data Tag.

    Is there any Object for smaller I/O Sizes or any way to make this work? ( I have one 32 byte I/O and one 4 byte I/O head connected to my Balluff IO)

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