I’m trying to connect the mentioned device with the browser using the Web Bluetooth API. I’m able to establish the connection and view the services and characteristics provided by the device. Im using (****c0d1-****-****-****-********) to write to the device. Setting the Buzzer on, for instance works fine using: 0xc0[cmdNr]00[cheksum] Now I want to set the Laser on for instance or get "Single distance measurment (Front edge)" but the frame does not seem to work! (0xc0[cmdNr]0100[cheksum] ) Another question: -(***c0d2-****-****-****-********) reads alawys the same hexNumber and Im not sure how to use this or what this number actually represents what is the common workflow? write to the first UUID (c0d1) and read from the second(c0d2)? Why are the other frames not working, is there something to consider befor sending the frame to obatin measuremnts for instance?
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