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English | 🠦 Deutsch |
New Features |
Bugfixes |
New Features |
Bugfixes |
The image package W10LTSC2019.* contains the following images: |
Target system | Version | Date | State |
Rexroth VPB40.4 | V10.18 | 2024-02-14 | Current development path |
Rexroth VR31.xx | V10.18 | 2024-02-14 | Current development path |
Beckhoff C6930-0060 | V10.18 | 2024-02-14 | Current development path |
Beckhoff C6017-0010 | V10.18 | 2024-02-14 | Current development path |
Beckhoff CPx7xx-0010 | V10.18 | 2024-02-14 | Current development path |
Beckhoff CX2033-017x | V10.18 | 2024-02-14 | Current development path |
Bosch mPad | V10.18 | 2024-02-14 | Current development path |
The service stick contains the following realtime packages: |
Realtime Package | Installer | Version |
TwinCAT 3.1.4024.12 | TwinCAT3 XAR/ADS | 3.1.4024.12 |
TwinCAT3 TF6310 (TCP/IP Server) | 3.1.9 | |
TwinCAT3 TF6100 (OPC-UA Server) | | |
TwinCAT3 TF3300 (Scope Server) | 3.4.3143.7 | |
TwinCAT 3.1.4024.29 | TwinCAT3 XAR/ADS | 3.1.4024.29 |
TwinCAT3 TF6310 (TCP/IP Server) | | |
TwinCAT3 TF6100 (OPC-UA Server) | | |
TwinCAT3 TF3300 (Scope Server) | 3.4.3146.11 | |
TwinCAT 3.1.4024.47 | TwinCAT3 XAR/ADS | 3.1.4024.47 |
TwinCAT3 TF6310 (TCP/IP Server) | | |
TwinCAT3 TF6100 (OPC-UA Server) | | |
TwinCAT3 TF3300 (Scope Server) | 3.4.3147.16 | |
TwinCAT 3.1.4024.55 * | TwinCAT3 XAR/ADS | 3.1.4024.55 |
TwinCAT3 TF6310 (TCP/IP Server) | | |
TwinCAT3 TF6100 (OPC-UA Server) | | |
TwinCAT3 TF3300 (Scope Server) | 3.4.3148.15 |
* Note |
New Features |
Bugfixes |
New Features |
Bugfixes |
Bugfixes |
Bugfixes |
New Features |
New Features |
New Features |
Bugfixes |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 CNC HLI (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Description | TwinCAT system library |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 Drive (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Description | TwinCAT system library |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 EtherCAT (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Description | TwinCAT system library |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 EthernetIP (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Description | TwinCAT system library |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 Io Functions (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Description | TwinCAT system library |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 Math (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Description | TwinCAT Standard system library |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 MC2 (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Description | TwinCAT Standard system library |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 MC2 Drive (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Description | TwinCAT Standard system library |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 Modbus Server (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Description | TwinCAT Standard system library |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 OpcUA (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Description | TwinCAT Standard system library |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 Serial Com (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Description | TwinCAT serial communication library |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 System (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Description | TwinCAT system library |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 TcpIp (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Description | TwinCAT Standard system library |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 Utilities (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Description | TwinCAT system library |
Object Beckhoff Tc3 Cnc Base V1.0.1.0 |
Description | TwinCAT system library |
Object Beckhoff Tc3 Interfaces (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Description | TwinCAT system library |
Object Beckhoff Tc3 Module (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Description | TwinCAT Standard system library |
Object Cycle Time Assist V2.1.3.0 |
Description | Add-on that provides Cycle Time Assist recording. |
Object DDL Event V2.4.11.0 |
Description | Add-on which represents one DDL message (direct data link) for connection to Nexeed MES based on Nexeed XML specification via TCP/IP. The PDA/MDA events plcChargeChanged, plcError, plcJam(Started), plcOperationModeChanged, plcOperatorRequired(Started), plcPartsMissing(Started), plcShiftChanged and plcSystemStarted are sent automatically but must be still configured manually in OES. |
Object Hmi Util V1.0.22.0 |
Description | Add-on that provides an interface to the HMI for information like current user, current language and current view |
Object Mes Base V1.0.17.0 |
Description | MES error messages |
Object Nx Base V1.0.84.0 |
Description | Base object |
Object ProgrammableRobot V2.0.7.0 |
Description | Common unit for a robot |
Object Root V1.5.1.0 |
Description | Root object |
Object Simulation V1.1.3.0 |
Description | Compulsory add-on for simulation mode |
Object Station Info V1.1.7.0 |
Description | PublicInterface for general station information |
Object Text Logger V1.0.13.0 |
Description | This Addon allows to save user specific informations (with time stamp) during runtime in a .txt file. |
Peripheral Simulation Programmable Robot V2.0.4.0 |
Description | Simulation peripheral for ProgrammableRobot |
Interface | OPC UA |
Deutsch | 🠦 English |
Neue Funktionen |
Fehlerbehebungen |
Neue Funktionen |
Fehlerbehebungen |
Das Image-Package W10LTSC2019.* enthält die folgenden Images: |
Zielsystem | Version | Datum | Status |
Rexroth VPB40.4 | V10.18 | 14.02.2024 | Aktueller Entwicklungspfad |
Rexroth VR31.xx | V10.18 | 14.02.2024 | Aktueller Entwicklungspfad |
Beckhoff C6930-0060 | V10.18 | 14.02.2024 | Aktueller Entwicklungspfad |
Beckhoff C6017-0010 | V10.18 | 14.02.2024 | Aktueller Entwicklungspfad |
Beckhoff CPx7xx-0010 | V10.18 | 14.02.2024 | Aktueller Entwicklungspfad |
Beckhoff CX2033-017x | V10.18 | 14.02.2024 | Aktueller Entwicklungspfad |
Bosch mPad | V10.18 | 14.02.2024 | Aktueller Entwicklungspfad |
Der Service Stick enthält die folgenden Realtime Packages: |
Realtime Package | Installer | Version |
TwinCAT 3.1.4024.12 | TwinCAT3 XAR/ADS | 3.1.4024.12 |
TwinCAT3 TF6310 (TCP/IP Server) | 3.1.9 | |
TwinCAT3 TF6100 (OPC-UA Server) | | |
TwinCAT3 TF3300 (Scope Server) | 3.4.3143.7 | |
TwinCAT 3.1.4024.29 | TwinCAT3 XAR/ADS | 3.1.4024.29 |
TwinCAT3 TF6310 (TCP/IP Server) | | |
TwinCAT3 TF6100 (OPC-UA Server) | | |
TwinCAT3 TF3300 (Scope Server) | 3.4.3146.11 | |
TwinCAT 3.1.4024.47 | TwinCAT3 XAR/ADS | 3.1.4024.47 |
TwinCAT3 TF6310 (TCP/IP Server) | | |
TwinCAT3 TF6100 (OPC-UA Server) | | |
TwinCAT3 TF3300 (Scope Server) | 3.4.3147.16 | |
TwinCAT 3.1.4024.55 * | TwinCAT3 XAR/ADS | 3.1.4024.55 |
TwinCAT3 TF6310 (TCP/IP Server) | | |
TwinCAT3 TF6100 (OPC-UA Server) | | |
TwinCAT3 TF3300 (Scope Server) | 3.4.3148.15 |
* Hinweis |
Neue Funktionen |
Fehlerbehebungen |
Neue Funktionen |
Fehlerbehebungen |
Fehlerbehebungen |
Fehlerbehebungen |
Neue Funktionen |
Neue Funktionen |
Neue Funktionen |
Fehlerbehebungen |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 CNC HLI (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Beschreibung | TwinCAT Systembibliothek |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 Drive (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Beschreibung | TwinCAT Systembibliothek |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 EtherCAT (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Beschreibung | TwinCAT Systembibliothek |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 EthernetIP (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Beschreibung | TwinCAT Systembibliothek |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 Io Functions (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Beschreibung | TwinCAT Systembibliothek |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 Math (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Beschreibung | TwinCAT Standard Systembibliothek |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 MC2 (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Beschreibung | TwinCAT Standard Systembibliothek |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 MC2 Drive (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Beschreibung | TwinCAT Standard Systembibliothek |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 Modbus Server (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Beschreibung | TwinCAT Standard Systembibliothek |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 OpcUA (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Beschreibung | TwinCAT Standard Systembibliothek |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 Serial Com (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Beschreibung | TwinCAT Bibliothek serielle Kommunikation |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 System (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Beschreibung | TwinCAT Systembibliothek |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 TcpIp (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Beschreibung | TwinCAT Standard Systembibliothek |
Object Beckhoff Tc2 Utilities (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Beschreibung | TwinCAT Systembibliothek |
Object Beckhoff Tc3 Cnc Base V1.0.1.0 |
Beschreibung | TwinCAT Systembibliothek |
Object Beckhoff Tc3 Interfaces (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Beschreibung | TwinCAT Systembibliothek |
Object Beckhoff Tc3 Module (TwinCAT 3.1.4024) V1.0.40245500.0 |
Beschreibung | TwinCAT Standard Systembibliothek |
Object Cycle Time Assist V2.1.3.0 |
Beschreibung | Add-on, das eine Cycle Time Assist-Aufzeichnung bereitstellt. |
Object DDL Event V2.4.11.0 |
Beschreibung | Add-on, welches ein DDL-Event (Direct Data Link) zur Anbindung von Nexeed MES auf Basis der Nexeed XML Spezifikation über TCP/IP repräsentiert. Die BDE/MDE Events plcChargeChanged, plcError, plcJam(Started), plcOperationModeChanged, plcOperatorRequired(Started), plcPartsMissing(Started), plcShiftChanged und plcSystemStarted werden automatisch gesendet, müssen aber immernoch im OES selbst konfiguriert werden. |
Object Hmi Util V1.0.22.0 |
Beschreibung | Add-on, das eine Schnittstelle zur HMI bezüglich des aktuell angemeldeten Benutzers, aktuelle Sprache und angezeigte Ansicht bereitstellt. |
Object Mes Base V1.0.17.0 |
Beschreibung | MES Fehlermeldungen |
Object Nx Base V1.0.84.0 |
Beschreibung | Basisobjekt |
Object ProgrammableRobot V2.0.7.0 |
Beschreibung | Allgemeine Unit zur Ansteuerung eines Roboters |
Object Root V1.5.1.0 |
Beschreibung | Rootobjekt |
Object Simulation V1.1.3.0 |
Beschreibung | Obligatorisches Add-on für den Simulationsmodus |
Object Station Info V1.1.7.0 |
Beschreibung | PublicInterface für allgemeine Stationsinformationen |
Object Text Logger V1.0.13.0 |
Beschreibung | Mit dem Addon können nutzerspezifische Nutzerinformationen mit Zeitstempel zur Laufzeit in einer .txt-Datei geschrieben werden. |
Peripheral Simulation Programmable Robot V2.0.4.0 |
Beschreibung | Simulations-Peripheral für den ProgrammableRobot |
Schnittstelle | OPC UA |