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02-10-2023 07:05 PM
I have a xdk 110 device and i am using xdk workbench version 3.7.0, but it's not performing http request, below follow the code and error:
WlanConnect_SSID_T connectSSID=(WlanConnect_SSID_T)"Flex-IoT";
WlanConnect_Open(connectSSID, NULL);
Ip_Address_T destAddr;
PAL_getIpaddress ((uint8_t*)"facilities.sao.flextronics.com", &destAddr);
Ip_Port_T port = Ip_convertIntToPort (80);
Msg_T* msg_ptr;
HttpClient_initRequest (&destAddr, port, &msg_ptr);
HttpMsg_setReqMethod (msg_ptr, Http_Method_Get);
HttpMsg_setReqUrl (msg_ptr, "/api/returnget");
HttpMsg_setHost (msg_ptr, "facilities.sao.flextronics.com");
static Callable_T sentCallable;
Callable_assign (&sentCallable, &onHTTPRequestSent);
HttpClient_pushRequest (msg_ptr, &sentCallable, &onHTTPResponseReceived);
INFO | XDK DEVICE 1: Error in WLAN package.
INFO | XDK DEVICE 1: Package ID: 10
INFO | XDK DEVICE 1: Module ID: 3
INFO | XDK DEVICE 1: Severity code: 2
INFO | XDK DEVICE 1: Error code: 1
INFO | XDK DEVICE 1: Failed to send HTTP request!
Could you help me, please?
02-10-2023 09:58 PM
Hello, and thank you for contacting us,
This product is no longer owned by Bosch. Please contact Legic:
Thank you