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    Win11 - CPS - DPI Problem

    Win11 - CPS - DPI Problem

    New Poster

    Hello everybody, 

    since yesterday I have the problem DPI scaling. If I open CPS with or with out a project, I can only see a a little part of CPS. I can´t move, close, slide, minimize, maximize the CPS window. 

    An information message appears: 
    "This application is optimized for a display setting of 96 DPI.
    If you select a setting of 120 DPI, some dialogs may not be displayed correctly.
    Do you want this message to be displayed again the next time you start the application?
    Yes / No"

    I have not made any adjustments to my scaling/graphics/display. Windows 11 is installed on my PC, I had no problems with CPS V5.8.3 

    Has anyone ever had this problem and may have a solution?

    Best regards, 

    D. Matzig



    1 REPLY 1


    After dpi settings to 96 in Win11 and Reset Windowod Layout in Control plus Studio 5.8 the screen was visible again
