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    Problem with CPS Export

    Problem with CPS Export


    Hello together,

    i have a problem with the export of my project with CPS 5.8.4.

    I just migrated the project from 4.11 to 5.8 and updated the STD folder.

    After adjusting a view objects in the project i wanted to export it and i get the following errors:



    Does somebody has any clue how i can start to find the problem?

    Is there any guide what to check step by step to analyze the problem?


    thanks for helping!


    5 REPLIES 5

    Hello everyone,

    small update about the problem. We found out what the problem is and have a workaround for it. 

    The problem is somehow only on my laptop so maybe the virus scanner is causing this but i have to check it.

    It is not solved yet and when there is an update of the addon the problem will be there again.

    The addon which is causing the problem is following:


    There will be a view which is causing this problem:


    The workaround is following:

    1. you have to open this file and copy any line you want


    2. you have to delete this line then save the file and close it

    3. you have to open it again and copy the line back in at the same position then save the file and close it.

    4. after this you can export the code without any problems

