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    NxConsumptionAddon problem with persitent data

    NxConsumptionAddon problem with persitent data

    Established Member

    Hello Community

    I make some tests with the NxConsumptionAddon. I connected the NexeedIfmSensor to the NxConsumptionAddon. If I use the ConsumptionCalcMode "S0COUNT", the ConsumptionValue was still present after a PLC reset cold.

    If I use the ConsumptionCalcMode "ANALOGCOUNT", the ConsumptionValue = 0, after reset cold.



    I think the consumption value is stored persistent in the NexeedIfmSensor object. During initialisation after restart PLC, somthing went wrong.

    2 REPLIES 2

    Established Member


    I have a testproject and I can show you this behavior.

    This seems to be a bug in the underlying library AtmoDiscreteControlSystemsIntegrated.lib.
    I will create a helpdesk ticket to solve the problem.
