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    MappingName length issue

    MappingName length issue

    New Poster

    Dear Nexeed Community,

    we would like to standardize our changover process via DataDownloadRequired telegram.

    To reduce programming time we would not add the mapping name for each variables and use the default instead, which contains all the hierarchy levels. This way the PLC programmer could create the data files on both the machine and the server side easily and the MES part would be the config modification and a data file import.

    In case of the test station there was a multilevel hierarchy in the TypeData so there were case for instance, when the mapping name was 117 character long. We were able to send up the message without any problem, but for the answer we got the “DDLV4 Message – Invalid answer protocol” event which is in the NxIpDdl object. The maximum mapping name length is 80 characters for now according to the XML specification, but I assume it is only because of the default string length of 80 characters. All the string functions working until 255 characters, so I guess it could be extended and our method would work.

    I have started a ticket in February, but out of several different issues, there is no outcome yet.

    Does anyone have some kind of other solution or idea regarding this?

    Thanks a lot for Your answers in advance!

    4 REPLIES 4

    New Poster

    the length of the MappingName is defined in the OpconXML specification.
    The PLC object is based on this specification.
    So that the length of the MappingName can be increased on PLC side the specification must be adapted first.
    Unfortunately this is not the responsibility of Nexeed Automation, but of Nexeed MES / Nexeed IAS.
    We have already requested to adapt the specification, unfortunately this has not yet been implemented.


    I see, thank You for the answer!

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Just as information for everybody, meanwhile there are possibilities available to solve the problem:

    1. Since NxIpDdl V1.2.10.0 the MappingName of receive body items (e.g. in the receive body of a dataDownloadRequired) may be 255 characters instead of only 80.
      As of now the mapping name of send body items is still limitated to 80 characters.

    2. Since Control plus Studio V5.6 you can define the property MappingNameRoot on any structure instance to shorten the full variable name:


    Hey Steffen,

    yes exactly. Our problem was with V1 stations, but the new object solved it. 🙂
