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10-22-2024 05:43 PM
Hello, is it generally possible to run an image update on an active MPad without an external keyboard? I currently have a hot-plug MPad from 09/22 where the screen with the runtime selection does not respond to any input on the touch screen (if I start the MPad without the image stick the touch reacts, so it is not broken). I managed to to run image updates on other MPads without having to connect an external keyboard and just use the touch screen instead to start the image update (push the green arrow)
The engineering guide in CpS says that I have to connect keyboard + Image stick - is this always mandatory or are there cases where the Image stick is enough?
10-23-2024 09:43 AM
Normally you don't need a keyboard if the system boots from the service stick.
The touch screen should also work.
I have tested it some minutes ago with the same image V10.32 on an mPad G2 from 08/2020.
10-23-2024 11:08 AM
So can I claim this Mpad then as defective? Since the touch is working if windows has started I find it difficult to claim a non-working touch input. Also the set-up description is not 100% clear if I have to use USB port replicator or not. And as you also noticed: the image seems to work in many cases without an external keyboard