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    HMI state freezing after download (V1)

    HMI state freezing after download (V1)

    Established Member

    Hey there,

    I've come across a problem several times, and only found 1 slow solution, so I was wondering, if anyone had the same issues.

    Sometimes, when I do a download on a V1 PLC, deploy HMI (everything as the book says), the HMI locks up.

    This means, that if I go for a mode (like Manual), the system does the operation mode change, but after that, I cannot do Start or any other modechange.

    The HMI stays active, you can guide everywhere and press buttons, but the mode freezes and the machine will not start.

    Doing cold/origin reset doesn't work. Restart doesn't work. Download/activate config doesn't work. The only thing, that works is to do an Activate config with a totally different PLC project. Somehow it resets something, then I'm able to re-activate the original project, and everything is fine after that.

    Luckily it doesn't happen so often, but when it happens, it takes a lot of time to get it running again.

    Does anyone have a clue, what can cause this?  What can be the thing, that is reset only by another project's activate config?

    4 REPLIES 4

    New Contributor

    That sounds very strange.

    What fits the description with the hanging mode is when the station hangs in Cancel and the Cancel procedure is not completed. You could easily check this by looking at the step chain diagnostics (StepAnalysis Control in HMI) - there you should see immediately if an object or sequence is hanging in Cancel.

    But the fact that this state cannot be remedied by a Reset or Reset-Cold and that an Activate Configuration is necessary - I have never seen that before...

    Maybe it is a combination of different problems - the next time it happens, please check first if the station is still in Cancel and try to fix it. Then you might get a different error pattern and it will be clearer why it needs an Activate Configuration.

    Are you using any persistent variables that are still set and then always lead to this inconsistent state and are only deleted / reset by the Activate Configuration ? If yes - please try a Reset-Origin - this should reset the persistent variables...


    I think the last time I checked the states, and Station was in NOT READY.

    Tried to force it out to READY without backbone control, but after switching backbone back, it changed back to NOT READY.

    There are no Persistent values by the way.

    I think it has to do something with different compiles, because it mostly happened with projects, that were changed last time by an external company without Bosch laptop.

    Sor for example they made a modification, I uploaded and extracted the project in our server, downloaded and the freeze happened. After I did the only solution (activate other machine's project and activate new project again), it was working fine after every download.

    If I make modifications on my laptop or on our server, no problem happens.

    If I modify or download a project, that was handled recently by other programmers' unknown system, the problem happens usually.

    New Poster

    Check the state of Your units.

    In Hungary, for a new windows install, the region is default Hungary, and there is a stuff called "Sorting method" below the region settings.

    IF it is on "default", and You open a project created by an English, or German region computer, your station will stuck in cancel/init after first mode change.

    Solution in Hungarian region is to set the sorting method to "Technical", and reopen an untouched project, and activate config.

    (I saw, that now in the manual it is recommended to use English or German region)

    Established Member

    Thanks, I will check this next time, if it happens. Probably this will be the problem.

    I remember we had similar issue with classic. But that caused compiler errors, if sorting was not changed to technical.
