In BinIo, most of the methods are implemented with a CASE structure and a single case for each IO. According to my understanding the compiler turns this into very long chains of IF-ELSIF-ELSIF-ELSIF-ELSIF... And for each IO all conditions need to be checked until the right IoIndex is found. For stations with many hundred IOs this is actually costly. A faster implementation is to create an array with all data that is currently accessed through CASE structures. That's the variable itself (I used a pointer to the original BOOL), the two event numbers and the additional text. Then, each of the methods uses the IDX_ variables to access the correct entry from the array to get the requested data directly. The compiler turns this into an address calculation, which is basically a multiplication and an addition. This only has complexity O(1), instead of the O(n) of the current implementation. Considering that having n IO in your station also means you are probably going to access these n times per PLC cycle, the respective total complexities are O(n) for my proposal and O(n²) of the current implementation. I modified the BinIo export template to test this. See attachment. It also needs a new STRUCT like this: TYPE BinIoItemStruct :
pVariable : POINTER TO BOOL;
EventS0 : DINT;
EventS1 : DINT;
END_TYPE My station only has 258 IO in total (inputs, outputs and flags) and doesn't use them very much. My CPU usage went down from 48 to 47. But I simulated a bigger station by adding some more calls to BinIo.GetState and SetState and the difference was 51 to 48. So it does make a difference. Are there any reasons that speak against this solution? I guess how big the effect on speed is also depends on how the most commonly used objects are implemented, e.g. whether they use GetState/SetState or just grab the addresses with GetAddress and then use these directly. And of course what the station programmer is doing in the application directly. I also tested a version where the BOOL variables were directly in the array of the structure instead of a pointer, because that should be even faster, but it wasn't noticable compared to the pointer approach. Also, that would not be a compatible change anymore. This is the V2 in the attached zip.
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