We are moving! We are currently migrating our community to the new Bosch Connected Industry Online Portal. The community will be available latest in the new year again, until then it will be in read-only mode. Click here for more information.
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We are pleased to inform you that we released our new download portal (https://www.bosch-connected-industry.com/de/en/Downloads/Nexeed-Automation). Please find below an updated list of countries where it is available.
New additions are:
Countries that temporarily dropped out:
You can download our software, after a one-time registration, in the following countries:
Rest of the world
Deutsch | đź ¦ English |
Es freut uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass unser neues Downloadportal (https://www.bosch-connected-industry.com/de/en/Downloads/Nexeed-Automation) nun in folgenden Ländern erreichbar ist.
Neu hinzugekommen:
Länder, in denen das Download Portal vorläufig nicht mehr erreichbar ist:
Sie können unsere Software, nach einer einmaligen Registrierung, in folgenden Ländern herunterladen:
Rest der Welt