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    Bosch Thermotechnology Device API support for integration with automation solutions

    Bosch Thermotechnology Device API support for integration with automation solutions

    Occasional Visitor

    When will Bosch Thermotechnology Device API support open integration with automation solutions, like home assistant? Currently we only have access to tryout API and while we can access our devices, there is no way to reauthenticate and reissue a new bearer token which makes the integration impossible without using browser. I have multiple CT200 devices and it's application can use only a single device at the time. So to change anything accross multiple devices I need to logout and login multiple times which is really bad approach. Also, it states on your web site from 2018 that you plan to extend API usage and it would be nice to get na update.


    27 REPLIES 27

    Occasional Visitor

    We bought 8 units, and are horrified to find out that Bosch has not support whatsoever. This was expensive installation, and unfortunately I was not involved when these we decided. Obviously I would have selected different brand if I had been involved.

    I need to find alternate route:

    We have 6100i and 9100i heatpumps, and have capability to develop hardware and embedded software. I would need electronics and communication interface specification for the connectors under the covers in 9100i, and same interface somewhere under covers of 6100i. We are ok to remove the wifi module as the wifi without api support is useless. However, developing such interface would be very difficult without any interface specifications. Apparently the interface is a serial bus, but protocol specification and serial port piout would be necessary.

    The current wifi module does not seem to respond to any port, so it is only connecting out.





    Community Manager
    Community Manager


    This is not the correct channel for your inquiry, please contact your regional sales/service representative, thank you!

    Occasional Visitor

    I just bought a new Bosch Geo-thermal heat pump and found out that the "Online" feature was an app only, due to no publically available API?? 

    Not having access to the API, thus making heat pumps (and more) unavailable to solutions such as Home Assistant, OpenHAB, Domoticz, Google Assistant reduces the value and customer satisfaction considerably. 

    Please re-consider this and open the API to the developer community!!


    Occasional Visitor

    Any luck of integration to Home assistant? 

    recently installed a 6100i 

    New Poster

    I have a Bosch CS3400 and CS6800 heat pump in use and would like to combine it with the PV system and optimize the operation.

    As already requested by other users, I would like at least read access to the operating parameters of the heat pumps to understand what the devices do.

    How can I retrieve the operational values, for example, with InfluxDB and Grafana?

    I bought the additional expensive hardware and license (K30RF gateway, smart meter, power sensors, Bosch Home Controller etc.) for the Bosch energy manager, which are still not compatible with the mentioned devices. Other industry standards like Modbus from my existing Kostal smart meter are unfortunately not supported.

    In the meantime, is there any other way or alternative to access data such as supply and return temperature, set temperature, heating mode or hot water mode, current status, current modulation, operating hours, compressor starts, etc.?

    Even the display in the Home Com app have not been corrected since the beginning of the year. The operating hours are still displayed in minutes and the supply and return temperatures also look strange, i.e. return is usually higher than supply temperature. Are the new devices from 2023 and associated apps still being developed and improved at all? How long does such a small correction last?

    When will the promises made in the advertising brochures be realized?

    New Poster

    Any updates? It's really frustrating that it isn't possible to integrate the heat pump in my home automation system. I would have opted for an other brand  (e.g. Nibe) if i knew this from the beginning!
