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    BME AI studio mobile app not working in test/live mode

    BME AI studio mobile app not working in test/live mode

    New Poster


    I'm currently working on a project involving the BME688 gas sensor and an ESP32 Adafruit board to identify four different smells. I collected data for the four scents and built a model in the AI desktop app, then uploaded it to the SD card (BSEC Version 2.4). Everything works perfectly fine when it's in record mode.

    However, when I try switching over to live test mode, it displays a screen (attached) and then disconnects completely. I'm unsure if this issue is related to my phone or if I'm missing some files. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    1 REPLY 1

    Community Manager
    Community Manager

    Good day JOHN183,

    It looks like a product specific question. Perhaps you could address this question over Bosch Sensortec community ?

    Thank you.

    Best regards,

    Bosch Developer Portal support team
