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    Suggestion: Make BinIo available through RootData

    Suggestion: Make BinIo available through RootData

    Long-established Member

    I want to propose to make BinIo (as a IOpconBinaryIo) available to each and every object through inheritance from OpconRootObject. The current RootData that each object has is mostly neglectable by programmers. Sometimes you need the flash bits or the time, but that's it.

    BinIo would not be very useful to station programmers, because they can access the global Peripherals.BinIo. But for object developers it would be a boon to be able to rely on iBinIo always being available whatever they are doing (Unit, Handler, Add-On, Chain). Maybe OpconPeripheralBase could also use it actually.

    To me as a Nexeed User it seems that the original idea was that there could be more than 1 BinIo instance in a project. But I have never actually encountered this. It's essentially a singleton class and Peripherals.BinIo is its only instance. So I'd love to see the Nexeed framework embrace this 100% and utilize the opportunities it could bring.

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