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    Service stick Control Plus V2 update failed

    Service stick Control Plus V2 update failed

    Long-established Member


    Get—CimInstance : Invalid class 
    At O: ps1:199 char:18
    ickVoIume = Get—CimInstance —Query "SELECT * From Win32_V01ume WHERE
    + Categorylnfo
    + FullyQua1ifiedErrorId
    MetadataError: [Get—CimInstance] , CimException
    HRESULT 9x899141919 , Microsoft. Management. Infrastructure. CimCmd1ets . GetCimInstanceCommand
    Cannot Find a removable drive with label OpConPE
    Press any key to continue .
    6 REPLIES 6

    Long-established Member

    Tried steps to fix WMI, but no success. Now I executed file on my colleagues computer and it runs without this message. Probably something is wrong on my PC.

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    I agree something must be wrong on your PC, but no idea what's the problem. I also found WMI related problems when searching the internet. Here ist another way how to repair the WIM, but no guarantee this will help...
