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    SafetDoor Addon

    SafetDoor Addon

    New Poster

    Hello everybody,

    I'm new in programming Control Plus Studio. I have a question to the SafetyDoor Addon. The documentation I found says

    nothing about the function of the Addon. What hardware is needed? I have one switch for locking/unlocking the door, a magnetic 2-channel door switch of PILZ and a key-switch for bridging the door. What's the procedure for bridging the door with the key-switch? For example: door is open, then turn key-switch and door is brigded? Or do I have to acknowledge the bridging of the door with the key-switch? What should the lamp of the lock/unlock switch do in the different cases? Does anyone have a good documentaion for this addon?


    Best regards

    Daniel Gerhards

    1 REPLY 1

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    In the ECAE sample plan you can see examples of used hardware, e.g. key switch, safety door switch etc:

    Also in the documentation of the add-on you will find some hardware examples (pictures).
    The SafetyDoorAddon works with digital IO and therefore has no specific hardware requirement. It doesn't matter if the IO come directly from the hardware to the PLC or if they come via a safety control (PNOZmulti, TwinSAFE) into the PLC.
    But some Bosch plants have specific hardware requirements (e.g. only use Pilz or Euchner or Schmersal switches).

    Turning the key after opening doors is not allowed. Before starting bridging the doors of the safety door circuit must be closed.
    The general sequence:

    1. Common operator access (cleaning, removing parts, etc.):
      1. Press unlock button (or ParImm.Unlock:=TRUE)
      2. Add-on stops operation mode on corresponding ModeHandler
      3. Add-on unlocks doors
      4. Doors are open
      5. Operator closes door
      6. Press lock button (or ParImm.Lock:=TRUE)
    2. Maintenance access with enabling switch (mPad or Euchner ZSM etc.)
      1. ParImm.EnableBridging:=TRUE must be set (e.g. if manual mode is active)
      2. Turn key for bridging
      3. Rest of the sequence is the same like without key, except that you can use the enabling switch to execute movements via manual functions
      4. After doors are locked the key can be removed again (the key may not be turned constantly because only instructed persons are a allowed to use the key/enabling switch).



    PS: Please contact if you are interested in an PNOZmulti or TwinSAFE example that suits to the ECAE sample plan.
