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    RuntimeApp error

    RuntimeApp error



    in a machine we are having the error with the runtime App.

    When we start them from the HMI, we get following error.


    If we go to the log for the HMI we can read the following error.


    Do you where the problem can be?

    Maybe is the .NET framework but seems that everything is aligned between the development PC and the PLC. Someone have experience this kind of problem?

    1 REPLY 1

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    I haven't seen this error yet, but it may be related to some assembly being blocked by Windows because it was originally downloaded from an untrusted source. In that case, you will see an additional checkbox in the properties of the exe or dll file:


    Sorry for the German screenshot, but the relevant checkbox is in the same place on English Windows.

    If the file is not blocked, the text and checkbox in the red frame isn't visible at all. Please check all exe and dll files in your HMI folder and underneath the Apps subfolder (especially ATD, because that seems to cause the problems) and unblock them.

    You should also check this on your development computer, where the Apps folder is located in the <Station>\HMI folder, because the blocked state is also transferred to the target system when deploying.
